Agenda item

Special Interest Group on Countering Extremism


The Chair invited Cllr Debra Coupar, co-Chair of the Special Interest Group for Countering Extremism (SIGCE) and deputy-leader of Leeds to give her presentation. 


Cllr Coupar’s presentation focused on:


·         The challenges the SIGCE have identified that councils are facing, and also the challenges that members face in addressing extremism.

·         Promoting more collaborative working amongst local authorities.

·         Highlighted the distinct links between item two – serious violence – and countering extremism (CE).   

·         The challenges facing the local government sector, as well as what locally elected members and leaders can do.

·         Highlighting the differences between CE and terrorism.  Tackling extremism means addressing crimes such as domestic abuse and honour-based violence, child sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and modern slavery. It also means dealing with it on-line.

·         How the SIGCE prides itself from not shying away from talking about this work, and how members of the group are taking bolder steps in talking and sharing best practices.  

·         Cllr Coupar stated that just as all communities are different, the way they counter extremism and promote community cohesion must be different in each case.  This work is not a one-size-fits-all approach.  Councillors are elected to represent their communities, therefore it is important to stand up and discuss all issues, no matter how hard or sensitive those issues are. Having local narratives and a strong local identity were also important.  

·         The importance of community buy-in and working in partnership with other organisations, statutory, voluntary, and otherwise.

·         Cllr Coupar described that councils, members and leaders are facing very polarised times, and incidents arising from political divisions such as Brexit increase tension in communities. Having networks for councillors would provide a means of keeping them informed and sharing good practice. 

·         Cllr Coupar invited members’ comments on what they felt the SIGCE should be doing, and identify what gaps are there?  The SIGCE is looking to increase its partnerships with other organisations.  

·         Cllr Coupar concluded her presentation by mentioning the importance of training for members such as the LGA’s leadership essentials course on CE.   


The Chair praised the work of the SIGCE, and thanked Cllr Coupar for her presentation.  Members then made the following comments:


Cllr Hussain, a member representing the London Borough of Redbridge, stated that her authority had experience of working on this agenda. Cllr Hussain commented on the lack of trust from communities and community leaders, particularly faith leaders, who only seem to represent a very small percentage of residents.  Cllr Coupar stated that this a huge hurdle to overcome, and that part of the solution was to reach past these individuals to the communities directly.  Cllr Coupar also referenced PREVENT as a useful safeguarding resource, as well as various CE community projects to help with this.  The SIGCE K-Hub also provided a resource for members to use, and included step-by step guides


Members stated the importance to get this topic on the agenda everywhere, from safeguarding vulnerable children and adults, to planning and licensing, as it is an issue that affects every aspect of living.  Members agreed that councils need to come together in collaboration, and grasp this relevant issue by not shying away from difficult conversations.  Members agreed that extremism can happen anywhere, and often in places that you wouldn’t expect (making reference to the tragic incident in Christchurch, New Zealand).  The Chair agreed with these ideas, and stated that as this can happen anywhere, it is an issue for everyone to discuss. 




1.    Members agreed for the LGA to continue to support the work of the SIGCE. 




1.    Views expressed in the Board will be fed back to the SIGCE’s steering group for consideration.   

Supporting documents: