Agenda item

Membership and Appointments to Outside Bodies 2015/16


The Chair drew members’ attention to the terms of reference. Members then discussed whether a member of FSMC should attend the Safer and Stronger Communities Board, and the previous arrangements where the political groups had accommodated a FSMC member amongst their nominations on to SSCB.


All agreed that it was important that FSMC was able to inform SSCB about issues related to Fire and Rescue Authorities. In the meantime, members agreed that the SSC board meetings and agendas would be sent to all members of the FSMC before each meeting and that Cllr Kay Hammond would continue to attend SSCB meetings in an observer capacity. 


Members made the following decisions when discussing the appointments to outside boards. Unless stated otherwise, members would continue in the positions shown on the agenda:


·         Cllr John Edwards and David Cartwright would continue to represent the Fire Service College Advisory Board until further notice, although appointments to the Board were currently under review by Sir Ken Knight.


·         Cllr Roger Price would be replaced as representative for the Arson Prevention Forum by Fiona Twycross, with Cllr Peter Jackson as her substitute.


·         Cllr Thomas Wright would be replaced by Cllr Michele Hodgson as the representative for the National Occupational Committee.


·         Cllr Nick Chard would replace Cllr John Bell on the Cross Emergency Services Group.



·         Members noted the terms of reference, membership and calendar of meetings of the Fire Services Management Committee for 2015/16.


·         Appointments to outside bodies were made as outlined above, and would be confirmed by the LGA Executive in October 2015. 


·         Members were in agreement that FSMC should be able to advise SCCB about fire related matters and it was agreed that FSMC members would be advised of SSCB meeting dates and copied in on the agenda and papers when they are despatched.



·         Political Group offices to be consulted on the possibility of having a FSMC member appointed to the SSCB, and how this would impact upon the political balance of the SSCB.


Forward SSCB meeting dates to FSMC members and send SSCB papers to FSMC when they are issued.

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