Agenda item

Covid-19 update


The Chairman invited Sonika Sidhu, Principal Policy Adviser, to introduce the update.


Sonika informed members of the key lobbying points for the LGA as the country entered its second lockdown. These were broken down as follows:


Immediate priorities for councils:

·       The Spending Review and filling funding gaps

·       Seeking clarity around support for businesses

·       Additional support for vulnerable residents

·       Seeking greater local autonomy over decision making and service provision

·       Addressing lack of capacity in the enforcement sector

·       Seeking more local control over test and trace

Medium term priorities for councils:

·       Effective transition out of lockdown

·       Clarifying potential role for councils in mass testing

·       Working with universities to facilitate students returning home and providing support for them where needed

Longer term issues for councils:

·       Potential role in the vaccination programme

·       Addressing impacts of EU exit

·       Clarity around local government reorganisation

·       Safely running elections in May 2021

·       Providing support for vulnerable families

Following the update, members raised the following points:

·       Concern was expressed about the future of school exams, with the devolved administrations having different policies to the UK Government. The 4 Governments should seek a consistent approach. Particular issue for councils on borders.

·       The LGA’s communication and information sharing with councils was praised.

The Chairman thanked members for their comments and requested that a Covid update be brought to all future Board meetings for the foreseeable future.



Members of the People & Places Board noted the update.



Officers to bring a Covid update paper to the next Board meeting.