Agenda item

Transport Update


The Chairman invited Kamal Panchal, Senior Adviser, to introduce the update.

Kamal introduced the report which provided members with
an update on the sub-national transport bodies, work on decarbonisation of transport as led by the Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport (EEHT) Board and upcoming projects.

Members made the following comments:

  • It is important to re-emphasise the significance of sub-national transport boards (STBs). There is very positive work taking place across the country in bringing together local authorities and local bodies. We need to encourage others to become involved in the sub-national transport board over the next 18-24 months.
  • We want to continue to encourage people to get out of cars and do more exercise, how could we convert temporary cycle lanes into being permanent cycle lanes and ensure that government create extra investment to increase the number of cycle lanes and paths?
  • There are greater challenges in the North, we need to focus on governance and building partnerships.
  • It’s important to focus on connecting with outer, more rural areas and continue to lobby government for rural transport funding.
  • Whilst electric vehicles are a step in the right direction, they do not solve congestion-related issues, sustainable alternatives need to be in place.
  • We need to improve the mindset of people and to do that we need the relevant infrastructure in place.


Kamal responded to the comments made by Members:

  • In relation to STBs, a lot of the points being raised by Members of this board have and continue to be raised.
  • Underpinning this work is the need for particularly government policy to reflect the ‘no one size fits all’ principle.
  • People should avoid travelling by car if possible. Where people do need to travel by car, they should try to change the vehicle that they are using to an environmentally friendly car.
  • As part of the ongoing work, we are focusing on tackling issues which relate to pavement parking.




Members noted the report.




Officers to note the comments made by Board Members and to continue to feed those comments into ongoing work.


Officers to submit further updates to a future meeting of the People and Places Board.

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