LGA Governance

Agenda item

Agenda item

Update on the Rural Recognition, Recovery, Resilience and Revitalisation project


The Chairman invited Jessica Craig, Graduate Trainee (NGDP) to introduce the report.


Jessica introduced the report which provided an update on the ‘Rural Recognition, Recovery, Resilience and Revitalisation’ project. It summarised the work to date, outlined the key findings and recommendations of the draft report, and sought the views of Board Members prior to the work being finalised ahead of publication.


Cllr Waltham proposed, and Cllr Clarke seconded, that the recommendation be amended from:


Members are invited to:


i.                comment on the findings of the draft report and, subject to these comments, agree to its publication; and

ii.              provide direction on next steps in order to maximise the impact of this work.




Members welcome the report as a sound evidence base to establish equality of opportunity through outcome-focused approaches delivered locally through devolution of funding and powers.




Members welcomed the report as a sound evidence base to establish equality of opportunity through outcome-focused approaches delivered locally through devolution of funding and powers.