Agenda item

Tackling Extremism Task Force


Mark Norris, LGA Senior Adviser informed Members that following the last meeting in January officers had been in contact with the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT) to seek how they plan to implement the recommendations from the Prime Minister’s Task Force on tackling radicalisation and extremism report related to local authorities.


The Home Office was looking at how it could give effect to the requirement to deliver the ‘Channel’ programme as this would require new legislation, but it was thought that the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 provided a means for making councils deliver the Prevent strategy.


Members did not feel that Government’s proposed action was appropriate and agreed that it would be beneficial to speak to the Minister for Security and Immigration to raise concerns about the proposed approach to working with local authorities on tackling extremism.


Councillor Lucas asked Members to endorse a letter from Lead Members to the Minister for Security and Immigration asking for a cross party meeting.




Officers to write to James Brokenshire MP, Immigration and Security Minister, requesting a meeting to discuss the Extremism Task Force recommendations.




Members noted the report and requested officers to follow up meeting with James Brokenshire MP.


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