Outside body

Autism Strategy Task and Finish Group


In 2017, it was agreed that the arrangements for overseeing implementation of the Strategy should be refreshed. The aims and the objectives of the Think Autism Strategy stand but the strategy’s strategic objectives have been regrouped around four Task and Finish Groups:

1.1.  Measuring, understanding and reporting needs of autistic people

1.2.  Workforce development

1.3.  Health, care and wellbeing

1.4.  Specific support

1.5.  Participation in local community

The Autism Strategy Board oversees overall progress against the strategy. The LGA have a place on the Participation Task and Finish Group. The Autism Strategy will be refreshed next year.


Contact information

Location: Richmond House, 79 Whitehall. London, SW1A 2NS

Leonie Carter

Richmond House
79 Whitehall

Phone: 02072105411