Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour
West Lancashire Borough Councillor 2008 until May 2019
Lancashire County Councillor 2013 to date
Lancashire Combined Fire Authority Member 2017
Member of the Territorial Army for 31 years. Worked in the NHS, West Lancashire Borough Council, Council of Voluntary Service, Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service and Public Health.
The Army got me into fitness, did my degree in Human Movement Science. Always enjoyed supporting friends, so natural progression to become a local councillor. When the coalition government decided that Public Heath was to go back into the local authority I decided to become a County Councillor. I am now shadow portfolio holder for Health.
My short time with Lancs Fire and Rescue gave me a great love and affection for the service and I am now in a position to really support our officers, Residents and Business. Looking forward to being part of the Fire Management Committee.