Title: Leader of the Council
Party: Conservative
Political grouping: Conservative
Martin has been Leader of Buckinghamshire Council since its inception in April 2020. Prior to that he was Leader of Buckinghamshire County Council since May 2011, having joined the Council in 2005. His responsibilities include overall policy direction and strategy, financial strategy, communications, external relations with Government and representative bodies. He leads on the council’s stance on HS2, Heathrow expansion, the Oxford to Cambridge corridor and economic development. Prior to becoming Leader, Martin was Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment. Martin has pursued a policy of making Buckinghamshire “Member Led” and has introduced a “Think Councillor” policy for all officers.
Until recently, Martin was Chairman of the LGA EEHT Board (Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport). He is also Chairman of SESL (South East Strategic Leaders) and England’s Economic Heartland Strategic Alliance and Leaders’ Board.