Agenda and minutes

Culture, Tourism & Sport Board - Monday, 20th June, 2016 1.00 pm

Venue: The National Archives, Bessant Drive. Kew, Surrey, TW9 4DU

Contact: Eleanor Reader-Moore 

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest


The chair welcomed members to the meeting and listed apologies.


There were no declarations of interest.




The Archive Sector: Challenges and Opportunities (Jeff James, Chief Executive, The National Archives) pdf icon PDF 214 KB


The chair welcomed Jeff James, Chief Executive and Keeper at the National Archives, to the meeting.


Jeff introduced the item. He discussed the relationship between The National Archives (TNA) and local authority archives and explained that part of his role was to supervise 200 archives across the country (including those in museums, universities and local authorities) and provide the best possible access to them. He discussed the National Archives’ Vision for the 21st Century.


Next steps on this included organising a conference on Discovering Communities in Manchester, with a public consultation period following afterwards. In addition, four roundtable events would be held across the country and he emphasised that the archives would welcome participation in these. He asked members how the vision could accord with the wider local authority agenda and how they would like to participate, emphasising that TNA would welcome opportunities to collaborate.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         Members asked if there was potential for all local authorities to be involved with the vision. All councils were welcome to attend the consultation roundtables taking place around the country.


·         Members asked if there were common data and storage standards which would be flexible and adaptable for use by wider services. TNA advised that federated access would be provided across the country.


·         Members asked if ideas in the 2014 archives’ publication In a spin were still current –TNA officers advised that they are considering having a seminar to discuss different approaches on this and it was agreed that members would be sent a link. The importance of sharing success stories was highlighted.



·         Members discussed whether the sector was receiving adequate funding to meet its long term needs, especially when many councils were making difficult decisions about the future of archive services.


·         Members asked whether there was a minimum level of funding required to maintain key records and archives and who could intervene if funding fell below this. Jeff James advised that he would be able to write to relevant bodies and remind them of their obligations under the Public Records Act.


·         Members asked how the wider benefits of archives to communities were being communicated.


·         A future consultation was discussed and the possibility of board members being involved with this. It was acknowledged that local authority input would be important.




1.    Members noted the briefing paper.




1.    Officers to circulate TNA’s In a Spin publication to Members and invite Board representation at the four roundtables to discuss TNA’s future vision.


Ambition for Libraries Consultation pdf icon PDF 176 KB


Board Discussion


The chair introduced the discussion section of the item, advising members that the Libraries Taskforce had now started to update its ambition document to reflect key views from board members. Members made a number of points in response to the update.






Kathy Settle, Chief Executive, Leadership for Libraries Taskforce


The chair welcomed Kathy Settle, Chief Executive of the Libraries Taskforce, to the meeting. Kathy gave a presentation on the Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016-2021. She advised members that the draft report had been published on the 23rd March 2016.12 workshops on the vision had taken place around the country, and library volunteers, councillors and library staff had given feedback on the implications of funding pressures, on what a successful vision would look like and how to introduce a concept of ‘libraries first’, amongst other issues. The ambition document had 7 different purposes and each reflected a financial situation that library services faced.


She discussed the sharing of good practice and data to support decision making, the encouragement of joint working in light of combined authorities and how to broaden the skills of the existing libraries’ workforces. She also highlighted the importance of improving the image of libraries, potentially by creating a programme of promotional activities and encouraging positive headlines on libraries in the media.


She advised the board that the taskforce was now agreeing the final text of the document and would look to publish in the summer. The taskforce would welcome feedback from members, as they were keen to involve local leadership in the process.


In the discussion which followed, members raised the following points:



·         There were concerns raised about the national reading culture and children struggling with communications skills. It was highlighted that evidence demonstrated encouraging children to use libraries early meant they were more likely to continue using them later in life. Members were informed that DfE was currently working to improve this area.


·         Members emphasised that the action plan in the ambition document would be key and they wanted to be confident practical actions would be taken forward. They discussed how this could be communicated to councillors, as there were concerns that councillors beyond leaders and portfolio holders only became aware of the taskforce if their local library was threatened with closure.


·         The success of the summer reading challenge was discussed and the need to support this. It was highlighted that many boys stopped participating in challenges past the age of 12 or 13. This needed addressing.


·         Members highlighted the funding pressures facing local government.A discussion followed on innovative ways to deliver services with the money currently available.


·         Members discussed the variety of services libraries could offer. Combining library buildings with museums or exhibition spaces increased visitor numbers, reduced costs and made libraries less isolated.

·         Members raised concerns that although it was important for libraries to adapt, the taskforce should recognise that they needed to remain as places to study and learning.


·         The rising costs of libraries for councils was discussed and members asked  for recommendations to assist with financial planning e. The board were advised on setting a four year funding profile, and informed that the taskforce were currently talking to Arts Council England about library funding.




1.    Members noted the presentation.




1.    MSO to distribute presentation slides  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3b


Evaluation 2016 Culture, Tourism and Sport Conference and Planning for 2017 pdf icon PDF 156 KB


The chair introduced the item. He advised the board that there had been positive feedback from the Leicester Conference in February. The planned location of the 2017 conference would be Bristol, and the conference would follow the same model as 2016.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         As the UK City of Culture 2017, it was suggested that Hull was approached to hold the conference in 2018.


·         Members raised some concerns over the room used for the board meeting at the 2016 conference, as its use for a workshop directly prior to the meeting had caused difficulties.


·         Members asked if it would be possible to organise study tours in the local area during the 2017 conference.




1.    Members noted the report.




1.    Officers to take forward actions in line with members’ steer including approaching Hull to hold the 2018 conference.




Update on the Government's Culture White Paper pdf icon PDF 191 KB

Additional documents:


The chair introduced the item and informed members that the Culture Minister had been invited to the September Board Meeting to discuss the paper. A roundtable for councillors had also been requested, to allow members to have wider input.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         The white paper acknowledged that local government was one of the largest funders of culture. The sector needed to prepare next steps so that it could negotiate future funding with DCMS.


·         Funding grants from the Lottery and English Heritage were discussed. Members emphasised that local government should be aware of national funding streams and work together to ensure councils benefited from and had a say on these.


·         Members emphasised that diverting funding through national bodies would not meet all needs and local input was important in determining how funding was spent.


·         Members discussed section 6 of the report and asked that it was clearly set out what local government would receive from the Culture White Paper..


·         It was positive that the paper discussed the Cultural Pretention Fund.


·         Members asked if specific areas of concern could be listed before meeting the Minister and a consensus agreed on how to approach these.


·         Members requested a briefing on funding streams which detailed recipients and local authority contributions. It was agreed that LGA officers would circulate this once further details on the implementation of the White paper were known.



1.    Members noted the update.


2.    Members agreed the next steps suggested in section 6.




1.    LGA officers to ensure it was set out clearly what local government would receive from the Culture White Paper.


2.    LGA officers to produce a briefing on funding streams detailing recipients and local authority contributions, once further details on the White Paper were available from DCMS..


Sport England Strategy towards an Active Nation 2016-2021 pdf icon PDF 181 KB


Siraz Natha, Adviser, introduced the item. He advised the board that the LGA were maintaining the dialogue with Sport England and were ensuring that councils were aware of opportunities the organisation were offering.


The chair advised members that he welcomed Sport England’s move towards increasing family activity and requested that members come back with any comments after the meeting.



Culture, Tourism and Sport Board Annual Report pdf icon PDF 220 KB


Eleanor Reader-Moore, Member Services Officer, introduced the report and advised members that it summarised the board’s work over the past year and looked forward to key issues which would be considered during next year’s meeting cycle. She asked members for feedback and suggestions on additions/improvements before it was submitted to the LGA Executive in July.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         Members asked if it was possible to include media in the board’s title as many issues considered came under this heading.


·         Members discussed the letter the chair had written to VisitEngland and raised further concerns about the merge between VisitEngland and VisitBritain. The chair advised that he had met with Patricia Yates, Director of Strategy and Communication at VisitBritain, in March.




1.    Members noted the achievements against the board’s priorities in 2015/2016.


2.    Members noted the board’s priority areas for 2016/17.





1. Members concerns will continue to be taken forward through the Chair’s dialogue with VisitEngland and VisitBritain.



Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 244 KB


The chair thanked members for their work in supporting outside bodies by attending meeting during the year.




1.    Members noted the report.



Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 307 KB


The board agreed the minutes of the last meeting as an accurate summary of the discussion.


Cllr Richard Henry informed officers that he was incorrectly listed as a substitute member and marked absent on the attendance list for meetings. The MSO agreed to amend this.




1.    MSO to correct an error on attendance list.



Any Other Business


The chair thanked board members for their work over the past year.


The National Archives Tour (optional)