Agenda and minutes

Culture, Tourism & Sport Board - Wednesday, 7th September, 2016 1.00 pm

Venue: Smith Square 1&2, Ground Floor, 18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ. View directions

Contact: Eleanor Reader-Moore 

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest


The Chair opened the meeting.


Congratulations were sent to Laura Caton, Senior Adviser, who was now on maternity leave. Members were informed that an interim officer would be appointed to cover Laura’s maternity leave.


The Chair welcomed new members to the meeting and thanked continuing members.


He requested that a seating plan for meetings be produced.


Apologies were listed and substitute members attending were noted.


There were no declarations of interest.




1.    MSO to produce a seating plan for board meetings.





Culture, Tourism and Sport Work Programme 2016/2017 pdf icon PDF 225 KB


Rebecca Cox, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced the paper, advising the board that key work priorities for 2016/2017 would be:


1.    The Libraries Taskforce (with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport).

2.    The LGA Tourism and Sport Improvement Programme.

3.    The Government’s Culture White Paper.

4.    Sport England/’s new strategy.

5.    Work with Visit England and Visit Britain (particularly following the integration of Visit England with Visit Britain).

6.    Work on devolution.

7.    The consequences of Brexit and the effect this would have on issues within the Board’s remit.


The board was advised that the LGA Leadership Board would be looking at the consequences of Brexit when it met on the 14th September. Members were asked if there were any points they would like to feed into this discussion.


The Chair introduced the new Deputy-Chairman of the board, Cllr Paul Bettison OBE, who had attended the maiden speech of the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport in Liverpool on Tuesday 9th August.


Cllr Bettison feedback the following points to the board:


1.    It was significant a city of culture had been chosen for the speech’s location.

2.    Then Minister had emphasised the need to balance cultural funding in England as many places could be regenerated by culture.

3.    Kingston-upon-Hull would be next year’s city of culture.


The Chair thanked Cllr Bettison for attending the speech.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         The board had previously written to Visit England and Visit Britain to express concern about the merge and the need to maintain a distinct voice for tourism in England. Members asked what response had been received.


·         Members asked what could be done to ensure Visit England had its own programme and profile. The Chair informed members that he had a meeting with Rob Wilson MP, the Minister for Civil Society, on the 12th September and would ensure that he raised this point with him.


·         It was suggested that the effect of Brexit on culture and the arts was considered by a sub-committee of the board to ensure that it was clear what the implications of the withdrawal of grant money and funding would be. Members emphasised it would also be important to look at the opportunities Brexit would present and the wider funding issues for culture, tourism and sport.The Chair suggested that lead members discuss this issue at the next lead member meeting and feedback to the board in October. 


·         It was suggested that the LGA take soundings from councils and ask them what they thought the impact of leaving the EU would be. Members suggested that individual political groups should discuss this issue and feedback at the October board meeting.


·         Members were advised that a Brexit bulletin would be issued shortly and that this would be circulated to the board.





1.    The board agreed the draft work programme.




1.    Officers to take forward actions in line with members’ steer.

2.    Officers to circulate the Brexit bulletin.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Arts Council England: Shared Statement of Purpose - Laura Dyer, Deputy Chief Executive, Arts Council England pdf icon PDF 115 KB


Paul Bristow, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Arts Council England, introduced the item. It was noted that Laura Dyer, Executive Director for Arts Council England, was unable to attend and sent her apologies.


Members were asked for views on the refreshed statement of purpose between the LGA and the Arts Council. In light of local government’s ability to help with policy developments and as local leaders on culture, local authorities were the Arts Council’s most important strategic partners.


The potential impact of business rates retention and devolution on both organisations was discussed and how to adapt approaches in view of this. It was emphasised that the Arts Council would be keen to engage with combined authorities as devolution deals developed and it became clear which aspects of devolution would support the arts and culture.


Grants for the arts were discussed. Members were advised that the 2015-2018 funding cycle was currently ongoing and preparations for the 2018-2022 cycle were beginning (the cycle was being extended from 3 years to 4). Libraries would soon have the opportunity to apply for a wider ange of grants (the scheme would be renamed grants for the arts and culture). The Arts Council were considering how they could encourage applicant to support the creative industries and how funding streams could relate to place-based opportunities.


Arts Council funded projects were discussed - both the ‘Great Place Scheme’ and the ‘Cultural Citizens Programme’, would give individuals and places the opportunity to engage in arts and culture. Members were also notified about the ongoing Arts Council Tailored Review which would examine the Arts Council’s efficiency. The organisation’s partners would be encouraged to respond to this. 


The board was also informed that a paper on the issues and opportunities Brexit presented had been taken to the Arts Council’s National Council. The effects on the economy, freedom of movement, copyright and intellectual property and the impact on organisations touring abroad had been discussed. The Council’s Chief Executive would speak on Brexit and key policy areas affected in due course.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         Members emphasised that the partnership between the Arts Council and Local Government Association was valued.


·         Members asked if libraries would be able to apply for project grants before the 2018 funding cycle began. They were assured that libraries could currently apply for grants - there would simply be a separate funding section for libraries post 2017.


·         Members discussed the impact of 100% business rate retention on the funding of the culture and the opportunities this may or may not present. There was concern that this area would be under continued pressure.


·         There was concern that some areas (such as CGI animation) relied on arts education to fund them and keep them accessible. Members were advised that the Arts Council were working with government on this and had commissioned work to look into GCSE take up and diversity of arts-based careers.


·         Members asked what the deadline for Cultural Citizens Programme was and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Appendix pdf icon PDF 202 KB


Culture, Tourism and Sport Annual Conference 2017 pdf icon PDF 176 KB


Jade Nimmo, Events Manager, introduced the item. She advised members that the LGA Culture, Tourism and Sport Conference dates for 2017 had been set for the 22nd and 23rd February.


Last year’s conference had been a success with 150 delegates attending. However, it was felt that holding the CTS board during the conference had caused minor problems, and it was agreed that lead members would discuss this and the possibility of finding another date for the board at the next lead member meeting.


The proposed timetable for the 2017 conference was explained and members were asked for comments and suggestions.


The following point was made:


·         The walking study tours at last year’s conference had proved difficult for some delegates with mobility problems. It was suggested that some tours were arranged closer to the venue in 2017, with the option of transport if needed.




1.    Members noted the report




Officers to take forward work as directed by members.


Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 111 KB


The Chair introduced the item. It was agreed that lead members would discuss appointments to outside bodies at the next lead member meeting.




1.    Lead members to agree the list of outside bodies at the next lead member meeting.

2.    Lead members to work with their political group offices to make these appointments.




Membership and Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 180 KB




1.    The board noted membership for 2016/2017 and agreed the Terms of Reference.


Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 198 KB




1.    The board agreed the notes of the last meeting as an accurate summary.


Any Other Business


Members requested that the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport be invited to attend a CTS board meeting and the LGA Culture, Tourism and Sport Conference in 2017.




1.    Officers to issue an invitation to the SoS to attend a CTS board meeting.

2.    Officers to issue an invitation to the SoS to attend the CTS Conference.