Agenda item

LGA Perceptions Survey 2017/2018: Sector Led Improvement Questions


The Chairman invited Juliet Whitworth, Research and Information Manager, to introduce the item.  Juliet gave members an overview of the item, and delivered a presentation (circulated to Members before the board). 


Juliet made particular reference to the Perceptions survey key findings, including keeping informed around LGA work; sector-led improvement; familiarity with the LGA; speaking positively about the LGA; satisfaction with LGA work; and value for money.  Overall, the findings were very positive and most findings up from the previous years.  Since 2012 there had been a 19 per cent increase in the proportion of respondents saying that sector led improvement is the right approach. The LGA’s response to the findings was being overseen by the Leadership Board.


The Chairman thanked Juliet for the update and invited members to comment:


·         Members reflected on the findings and felt that the responses to the improvement related questions were very positive about the work of the board and the improvement offer.

·         Members discussed the direct correlation between how good the LGA is perceived to be, and how well it communicates. The Chairman stated that there was a direct link between the more awareness there was of the LGA, and the better outcomes of all findings. 

·         Members asked what further work could be done around speaking positively about the LGA, where responses seemed to remain flat. Members requested that next year, the survey include sections to give reasons why people do or don’t speak positively about the LGA. Juliet stated that the finding is up slightly from the previous year, and that this should be passed on to the Leadership Board for comment and reflection. 

·         Members held discussion over the term ‘frontline Councillors’, and how understanding of the term differs. 

·         Members suggested further consideration be given to the “don’t know” responses and why people had responded in this way. Was this a language issue?

·         Members discussed the LGA programme of visits to councils, and the need to advertise this internally more.  Members also suggested that visits to councils be undertaken in the evenings, as most Councillors have daytime jobs.   


The Chairman thanked Juliet for the presentation, and Members for their comments.


Members noted the update.


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