Agenda item

Safer and Stronger Communities Board End of Year Report 2017/18 and 2018/19 Work Plan


The Chair invited Mark Norris, Principal Policy Adviser, to introduce the item. 


Mark stated that the paper was broadly in two parts; the first part detailed the Board’s work and achievements during the 2017/18 Board cycle.  The second part proposed draft Board priorities for the 2018/19 cycle – Mark invited Members to consider and agree these, ahead of a full discussion at the September meeting. 


The Chair thanked Mark for the update and invited Members to comment:


·         Members discussed the importance of water safety, councils’ work surrounding this, and the good practice that could be shared. 

·         Members suggested amending the section on Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) communities, to include positive aspects GRT communities can contribute, and the balance of rights between sections of society. 

·         Members suggested that post-Grenfell work might include insulation and fire safety, and not just work on high rise buildings.

·         Members supported the suggestion of cross-cutting work on mental health. 

·         Members discussed the pressures of police funding, as well as pressures to local and neighbourhood policing. 


The Chair thanked Members for their comments. 




·         Officers to include positive impacts in relation to GRT communities in future reports. 


Supporting documents: