Agenda item

Productivity Programme


Cllr Ron Woodley introduced the report providing the Board with both a high level summary of the key deliverables during 2017/18 and the business/work plan for the productivity team for 2018/19. Cllr Woodley also explained that there had been further negotiations with civil servants regarding the concerns raised by Members at the last meeting on the digital declaration, which the Board was asked to note.


In the discussion which followed, the following points were raised;


·         A view was expressed that we should continue to reflect on good use of digital technology outside of the sector.

·         The importance of a digital leadership offer for the whole sector, bearing in mind the limited financial support likely to be available to individual authorities from the Digital Declaration initiative

·         A view was expressed that potential savings be given greater emphasis in the report and the achievement promoted more widely

·         Members of the Board expressed thanks to the work Officers had done over the course of the year.




The Improvement and Innovation Board;


1. Noted the key outputs of the productivity team’s programme for the financial year


2. Approved  the business/work plan for the productivity team for financial year 2018/19.

3. Noted the current situation with regard to the Digital Declaration (paras 9/11).

4. Provided guidance to ensure that the programme meets its objectives in 2018/19.

in 2018/19.

Supporting documents: