Agenda item

Safer and Stronger Communities Board Policy Priorities for 2018-19


The Chair invited Mark Norris, Principal Policy Advisor, to introduce the item. 


Mark stated that the paper sets out proposals for the SSCB priorities and work programme for 2018-19. The proposals are based on corporate LGA priorities and options for broader work based on a continuation of ongoing work (including responding to recent policy announcements by Government) and areas of interest previously indicated by Board members. The Board’s work priorities also include the impact of the UK’s departure from the EU on relevant issues, such as regulatory services in relation to food safety; Mark stated that it is difficult to say what the work load may be currently, as this is dependent on the final deal. 


The Chair thanked Mark for his update and asked members to comment:


·         Members requested that we include work on removing modern slavery from supply chains as part of our work on this issue. Mark confirmed that work on this is underway, and led by the LGA’s productivity team as part of its commissioning support. 

·         Members emphasised the links between drugs and a wide range of societal issues; Mark discussed the on-going work the LGA is undertaking in relation to drug and alcohol abuse and stated that the team are having live discussions with the Home Office on this. 

·         Members discussed deaths caused by drowning during the hot weather over the summer due to the hot weather and the campaign to include Cold Water Shock Training in swimming lessons. Mark confirmed that the LGA will make a submission to the Swim England review on this. 

·         Members stressed the need to continue to press for a public health objective in licensing.

·         Members requested more information on potential cross-cutting work on mental health and community safety issues (paragraph 15.6). Mark stated that this will be discussed at future a future meeting of the SSCB. 


The Chair thanked members for their comments.





·         Members noted and agreed the report. 

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