Agenda item

Fire Safety in High Rise Buildings


The Chair invited Mark Norris, Principal Policy Advisor, to introduce the item.  Mark stated that the report sets out the LGA’s building safety related work since the last Board meeting, including the LGA’s response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s final report, the LGA’s response to the consultation on the ban on the use of combustible materials on high-rise residential buildings, and remediation work to private high-rise buildings with combustible cladding systems.


Mark also stated that the Secretary of State for MHCLG has set up a private high-rise buildings remediation taskforce, as remediation work to the cladding on  these buildings is very much behind public sector buildings. Mark concluded by stating the Secretary of State has asked the LGA to set up a joint inspection team, which will be funded by MHCLG.


The Chair thanked Mark for the update and concluded made areas to the two areas to note in the report:


·         The Chair made particular reference to paragraph 13, the government’s announcement that it would be fully funding the removal and replacement of unsafe cladding. Details on how councils can apply for funding were published on 3 July 2018), and the Chair praised officers for all their hard work, stating that this announcement would not have happened without the LGA lobbying, which built a very strong case.

·         The Chair also made particular reference to the submissions set out in both Appendix A and B, and highlighted the importance of these messages being raised at a national level. 

·         Members agreed that all ongoing work is appropriate.




·         Members noted the report. 


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