Agenda item

People and Places Draft Work Programme 2018/19


Philip Clifford, Senior Adviser, set out the draft work programme for the 2018/19 political cycle.


Philip highlighted the following points:


·         It was established that while the primary objective of the People and Places Board remains the devolution of power and resources to local government across England, the Government’s focus on Brexit has seen a downward shift in the momentum behind devolution.

·         Reflecting the national context, the Work Programme seeks to pursue the following broad and forward-looking strategic priorities:

·         Advocating for devolution through national Government’s place-based growth agenda – focusing on the Industrial Strategy and devolution on a department-by-department basis, such as skills and employment support devolution and sub-national trade and investment reform;

·         Using the Post-Brexit England Commission as a platform to advance a refreshed case for devolution to non-metropolitan areas; and

·         Pushing for parity of treatment in Government policy and investment across all parts of England, with a particular focus on priorities for the Board such as digital connectivity and the opportunity to reform the Common Agricultural Policy.


The Chairman thanked Philip for the update and invited members to comment:


·         The Chairman noted that the Government’s Industrial Strategy has strengthened its commitment to Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). The Board felt this presented an opportunity to further engagement with the LEP Network and pursue collaboration with LEPs, particularly through Local Industrial Strategy development.

·         Board members highlighted that “high street resilience” was a significant issue for non-metropolitan areas, while acknowledging that this falls under the remit of the Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport (EEHT) Board.

·         Members expressed an interest in issues of interest being considered by the EEHT Board, such as high street resilience and housing, to be opened up to People and Places Members. The Chairman stated that he and the EEHT Chairman share updates on areas of crossover and that Members who are interested in issues covered by the EEHT Board will be given the opportunity to attend.

Members felt that the CAP focus in the work programme is slightly narrow and needs to capture the wider rural land management agenda.

·         Clarification about the future of the Committee of the Regions after the UK’s departure from the EU was requested. Ian Hughes, Head of Policy, informed the Board that this issue was raised in the House of Lords following LGA lobbying and the Government has confirmed that a process will be established to consult local government on matters they would otherwise have been consulted on through the Committee of the Regions but further detail was not currently available on what these arrangements will look like.

·         The Chairman noted that the next Board meeting will include an update from Cllr Kevin Bentley, Chairman of the LGA Brexit Task Force and officers will ensure he is briefed to talk to developments on the replacement arrangements for the Committee of the Regions.


Actions and decisions:


·         The Board agreed the draft work programme.

·         Officers to refresh the Digital Connectivity Working Group membership.

·         Officers will work with the Chairman to consider how the rural land management agenda is taken forward.

·         Officers to take steps to open up areas of interest led by the EEHT Board to People and Places Board Members.


Supporting documents: