Agenda item

Workforce Update


The Chair invited Naomi Cooke, Head of Workforce, and Jeff Houston, Head of Pensions, to introduce the item.

Naomi stated that the report sets out the key workforce policy developments that have taken place since the last Board meeting.  This included an update on teachers’ pay from the Department of Education (DfE), which was announced just as the board commenced.

Naomi concluded that one decision is requested on taking forward the agreed idea for a LGA diversity champion.

Members of the Board then discussed the following:


·         The Chair requested more information around inflation rate and roll-out/design of new pay-grades.

·         Members agreed the need to work towards influencing the Treasury, as there is some window of opportunity to reduce the impact on local government.

·         Members mentioned the recent TUC meeting, which had a motion regarding the increase made by employers, which didn’t include the LGA/local government.

·         Members discussed how teacher pay rises could have a significant knock on impact in rural areas, which may mean result in redundancies and smaller schools closing.

·         Members discussed the apprenticeship levy.

·         Members discussed potential changes to public service pension schemes as a result of scheme valuations and Treasury cost cap estimates. Significant increases to employer contributions and/or member benefits are expected for Local Government, Teachers and Firefighter schemes although there are indications that school funding will increase during 2019-20 to meet the new costs. 

The Chair concluded that he agreed with all points raised by members, and reassured members that the LGA has links is in place with the treasury.




·         Members noted the update.

·         Members agreed to the nomination of Cllr Sharon Taylor as Member Champion for Diversity and Inclusion.

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