Agenda item

Membership and Terms of Reference for 2018/19


Benn Cain, Member Services Officer, introduced item two. 


Benn stated that the first part of the paper details the Board’s Membership, and that the second part of the paper lays out the terms of reference of the City Regions Board, which includes the political composition.


Benn went on to explain that the third part of the paper makes reference to outside bodies of the City Regions Board.  Currently, the City Regions Board doesn’t have any outside body appointments, however, if any are made throughout the 2018/19 political year, this report will need to be updated.  This appointment will also need to be agreed by lead members of the board and the group political offices.  Members will then have to agree nominations to outside bodies at the beginning of next year’s cycle (2019/20).




·         Members noted the report and agreed to the terms of reference. 




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