Agenda item

Female Offender Strategy


Rachel Phelps, Adviser, introduced item three to members.  Rachel updated members on the Government’s Female Offender Strategy (published in June 2018), and the strategy’s new programme of work for female offenders.  Rachel’s presentation made particular reference to the implications the strategy has for local government. She explained that the LGA had previously produced a ‘Going Straight’ guidance document on the issue of offenders, but that as this was now seven years old, the Board may wish to consider how the LGA could best support councils on this issue.


Following the presentation, the Chair invited members to comment:


Members discussed the 70 per cent re-offending rate, and conveyed disappointment at how high this figure was.  Members also made particular reference to paragraph 8.3 in the report, and communicated concerns over further cuts and closures of prisons given existing levels of overcrowding.  Member agreed that they were keen for the SSCB to be involved in this work. 


Members then stated that this was an example of central government pushing out to local government a strategy that has a blanket, ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.  Members agreed that central government should look at individual authorities and how vastly different they are when considering this strategy, including geography, local economies, personal economic circumstances and different types of crime pertaining to local areas. 


Members also conveyed their frustration over how central government expect the local government sector to be ready to go to implement this strategy, despite the extensive cuts the sector has faced in recent years.  Members suggested a re-draft of the guidance and to continue to talk with the Ministry of Justice.


However, members praised some elements of the strategy – particularly how the strategy takes a more holistic approach in this area of policy, and praised that government were now looking at the symptoms.  However, members re-addressed cuts to funding – specifically support services – and the wider implications that lead to females re-offending. 


The Chair thanked members for their comments.  The following actions were noted:


-       Members noted the update.

-       Members agreed to paragraph 19 of the report; the LGA refreshing its policies and work around reducing re-offending. 


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