Agenda item

Fire Safety in High Rise Buildings


Mark Norris, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced agenda item four.  Mark’s presentation for members on building safety included an update on the issues leaseholders are experiencing in progressing remedial work in private buildings; the Joint Inspection team (JIT) and the continuous talks with MHCLG, an update on Approved Document B and the Joint Regulators Group (JRG).


Following the presentation, the Chair invited members to comment:


Members raised concerns that there is still no document that encompasses all of the issues raised, and that at the end of this process, there are still going to be lots of documents, containing lots of different guidance, with no clear instructions.  In response to this, Mark Norris stated that Wales are going to be implementing a straightforward, ‘simple one document’ that England may be able to duplicate.  However, Mark stated that to implement this is going to be an uphill struggle. 


Members made particular reference to fire doors and paragraph 14 in the report.  Members stated that there is still no recommendation from London Councils regarding fire doors.  Charles Loft, Senior Adviser, responded that the situation is still in flux, and the LGA are working closely with the industry that targets the most serious cases, with the aim to bring a robust product to the market quickly.  


Discussions then turned to smoke and toxicity, and made particular reference to paragraph 3.7 and 3.8 in the item’s Appendix (Appendix A), and requested an update around the LGA’s position.  Mark Norris stated that the LGA continues to press for this; at a recent appearance at the All Party Parliamentary Group for Fire and Safety, the LGA’s Chairman, Lord Porter, raised this issue.


Following the discussion the Chair thanked members for their contributions, and the following action was noted:


-       Members noted the update. 


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