Agenda item

Innovation Zone update


Lusi Manukyan introduced the report about the Innovation Zone, which briefs the Board on latest programme developments and members’ involvement. She thanked the Innovation Zone working group for their assistance, and welcomed the Board’s suggestions for the ‘open mic’ session.




The Board discussed how recorded TED-style talks could be more widely shared with the public and on social media. Lusi explained this is being considered for future annual conferences.

Members suggested that behavioural insights are featured in the Innovation Zone, as well as more intimate and informal Q&A sessions with some of the conference’s headline speakers.


The Board recommended that the ‘open mic’ sessions are informal and organic, allowing attendees to share what they are proud of from their council. Members suggested a sign-up sheet for five minute slots, with members of the Board to support the initiative.




Members to encourage attendance at the Innovation Zone and get involved during the conference, particularly in the ‘open mic’ session.

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