Agenda item

Employment and skills recovery


The Chairman invited Jasbir Jhas, Senior Adviser, to introduce the report.


Jasbir reminded members that in the summer, the Board had approved the LGA’s jobs and skills recovery position. However, in the light of recent Government policy and funding developments, it had become necessary to update the LGA position. The revised position paper was presented at Annex A and members comments were sought.


Jasbir said that tackling long-term unemployment was going to be a huge issue and she reported that during confidential discussions with the DWP, it had become clear that they were going to introduce a national Work Programme type scheme, with a small number of contractors operating over large areas. This was likely to start in the middle of 2021 and there would be no devolution to local authorities.


Jasbir said that DWP had asked the LGA for its view on how this could be made to work at a local level and this submission, approved by Lead Members and submitted to DWP on 3 November, was attached at Annex B. Members views were sought on how best to convince the Government that a local approach would be a much more effective option.


Jasbir said that retraining was going to be key to tackling long-term unemployment and the Government’s forthcoming Further Education White Paper was expected to address this, including by giving FE Colleges a more central role. Members’ views were sought on local government’s relationship with FE Colleges and possible LGA lobbying lines on the White Paper.


Finally, Jasbir reported that there was a significant risk of the Government’s Community Learning Budget being cut and the LGA would be lobbying strongly against this. Last month, the LGA published a handbook containing top tips on how councillors could enhance their council-run adult and community learning services locally. Officers were currently exploring how this document could be taken forward most effectively.


Following the introduction, members raised the following points:

·       Members agreed that the national centralised approach to tackling long-term unemployment would not be as effective as a localised approach. Local government had a vital role to play in bringing together local community organisations who were often best placed on the ground to deliver solutions.

·       Concern was expressed about the accountability of FE Colleges locally.

·       It was suggested that ‘green economic recovery’ needed to be higher up the list of priorities in Annex A.


In view of the late hour, the Chairman asked members to e-mail any further comments to Jasbir and requested that this item be brought back to Lead Members and the full Board at the next available opportunity. This was agreed.



Members of the People & Places Board:

1)    Noted the report

2)    Endorsed the LGA’s position on (i) jobs and skills recovery; (ii) long-term unemployment; and (iii) skills.

3)    Agreed that the issue should be revisited at the next available Lead Member and full Board meetings.



Officers to bring the report back to the next available Lead Member and Board meetings.