Agenda item

PSAA Ltd and Sector Led Body Development


Steve Freer, Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited (PSAA) Chairman, introduced the report by providing a brief overview of the of performance of PSAA.  In doing so, he drew attention to the fact that from 2018/19 onwards local government bodies would need to make new arrangements to appoint their external auditors as the current arrangements would end in 2017/18.


In the discussion that followed, Members expressed support for developing a sector led body to procure audit services on behalf of local government bodies.  They invited the PSAA Board to consider becoming this body -  once the current contracts come to an end - due to the valuable skills and experience the company has in the area of audit appointments.



The IDeA Board:

      i.        noted the performance review from Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited;

     ii.        reconfirmed its support for developing a sector led body offering to procure audit services on behalf of local government bodies; and

    iii.        invited the PSAA Board to consider becoming the sector led body for the procurement of audit services once the current contracts come to an end.

Supporting documents: