Agenda item

Workforce Update


Selena Lansley, Head of Workforce, presented the report and explained that it set out key workforce policy developments which had taken place since the last meeting of the Board in June 2017, particularly in the areas of local government and fire service pay, sleep-in allowances, and the Come Back to Social Work campaign.


Members noted that the Government had changed its policy on sleep-in payments, which were paid to staff who slept at their workplace, which were now covered by the national minimum wage rate. The Resources Board Lead Members had agreed to keep a watching brief on the issue, which would present significant financial pressures in terms of potential back pay and ongoing salary costs.


In the discussion which followed the following points were raised by members:


·         Pay negotiations on the pay spine were ongoing, and officers were awaiting announcements from the Chancellor on the public sector pay cap in the Autumn Budget on 22 November 2017. It was predicted that there would not be a blanket lifting of the cap, but there may b e a targeted approach in favour of nursing staff and some other roles.

·         On fire service pay negotiations, the employers side had offered a 2% increase backdated to July 2017, and 3% from April 2018. The was conditional on reaching an agreement on the broadening of the fire fighter role. Originally the unions had rejected the offer, but following a clarification from the employers, the FBU would consult on the pay offer with a recommendation to accept. The Fire Services Management Committee was meeting today to discuss a response.

·         Members highlighted the support for a restructure of the pay spine, and a pay spine review working group was in the process of considering options. The Board would continue to be updated on pay negotiations as they progressed.



The Resources Board noted the report.