Agenda item

Workforce report


LGA Fire Pensions Adviser, Clair Alcock, provided an update on the Scheme Advisory Board’s decision to establish sub-committees to enable the board to supports its work plan. There were two working groups established: one to look at Local Pensions Boards and the requirements needed to ensure that they comply with the pensions regulator; and one to assess the cost-effectiveness and administration of pension schemes. Across all FRAs, there are 30 different administrators which could lead to inconsistency and replicated costs. This sub-committee would evaluate the cost of paying pensions and how administration can be more stream-lined.


Membership of the Scheme Advisory Board was discussed and it was confirmed that the Board is waiting for the Secretary of State to confirm Councillor Jason Zadronzy’s appointment. An update was also provided on the levy for 2016/17 and 2017/18 and it was confirmed that the increase would help fund a new post at the LGA. The dates for forthcoming Scheme Advisory Board meetings were outlined and it was made clear that the Board would welcome FRA chairs attending the meetings.


Gill Gittins, LGA Principal Negotiating Officer, then provided an update on a number of current general workforce issues including the University of Hertfordshire report, which was distributed to members prior to Fire Conference. The independent evaluation examined the impact of fire fighters undertaking work through the auspices of the NJC’s emergency medical response workstream trials relating to medical emergencies and wider safe and well visit issues. It concluded that appropriately trained and equipped fire fighters co-responding to targeted, specific time-critical medical events, such as cardiac arrest, can improve patient survival rates. However, some concerns were drawn out in the report for example employee mental well-being, training, inoculations and potential gaming (where the fire service had already responded, the incident may slip down the ambulance service’s priority list). The data also indicated that there is a potential need from members of the public, particularly the elderly, isolated or vulnerable in the context of the wider work. However, there is currently insufficient data to be able to estimate the net benefit of the work. Members of the NJC would consider the outcomes of the report on 9 March 2017. The Fire Brigades Union would be considering whether or not to continue to support such trials at its recall conference later that month. 


Members raised the following points in the discussion which followed:


·         Members noted the increased levy to the Scheme Advisory Board and asked what the additional funds would be used for. Clair Alcock explained that the levy will pay for a new post at the LGA which will provide actuarial assistance and advice to look at how to respond to requests from the Government’s Actuary Department. It was suggested that money should already be being spent by FRAs but that it would be spent more wisely from one centralised pot.


·         A point was raised about contracting out reconciliation and the potential financial implications for FRAs. A suggestion was put forward that a short item on this was included in the agenda for the next Fire Commission meeting on 24 May. The need to look at how local pensions boards work was suggested so that continuity across the whole service could be established. Members felt it was important for members of FRAs not involved in pensions to have an understanding of the implications if the cost cap was breached, including increased pension contributions or a reduced pension.


·         Concerns were raised about how tax liabilities would affect people and how this could be a barrier to people taking opportunities if not handled in the right way. FRAs need to be aware of their tax liabilities and deferment of pension costs.




The Fire Services Management Committee members noted the workforce update.




Officers to include short item on high level pension issues for FRAs to be made aware of at the forthcoming Fire Commission meeting.

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