Agenda item

Transport and Growth Update


Kamal Panchal, Senior Adviser, gave an update to Board members regarding three recent policy and LGA developments; The Government’s Transport Investment Strategy and the Major Roads Network, Town Centre Regeneration and  Economic Growth landscape.


In the discussion which followed members raised the following points;

·         A view was expressed that there would be a need for greater accountability in Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) should the government go through with their manifesto commitment to give LEPs greater weight in law.

·         A concern was raised that devolution should perhaps not be addressed as if it confirmed that the government is going through with devolving powers.

·         A Member also asked that going forwards we consider how local authorities will deliver the Industrial Strategy, in particular once laws and powers are repatriated.




Members noted the update.




Officers to incorporate Members views into future policy work in transport and growth.



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