Agenda item

Board Policy Priorities for 2017-18


Mark Norris, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced this item and explained that officers were looking for a steer from members, building on the discussion held at the Safer and Stronger Communities Board meeting in June 2017. Mark noted that the Cabinet Office is doing a review of civil resilience arrangements and that the Safer and Stronger Communities Board is the lead board at the LGA for emergency planning. Civil servants are looking at how local authorities are organising their emergency planning and whether the government can assure itself that they are fully prepared. This was likely to generate a programme of work to ensure that councils can demonstrate preparedness.


On Grenfell, Mark confirmed that the LGA will want to contribute to the review of building regulations and fire safety, and that while colleagues on the Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board would lead on the building regulations side of the review, the Safer and Stronger Communities Board and Fire Services Management Committee would lead on fire safety in high rise buildings. Another board priority related to medical examiners. It was noted that the Department of Health were keen to press ahead with the introduction of medical examiners and that officers would need to look at the timetable of this.


Members made the following comments:


·         Members sought clarity on timings for publication of the guidance on modern slavery and the supporting workshops, following the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s presentation to the Board in January. Members noted that as much lead in time as possible would be helpful in arranging the work.  Lucy Ellender, LGA Adviser, confirmed that a draft of the guidance was almost ready to be shared with the stakeholder group supporting the work, with a view to publishing in October/November. On the workshops, members were told that a meeting was scheduled with the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner to discuss what form they should take and when they would be, with early next year most realistic. As with the taxi/PHV licensing workshops, it is intended to run the same event in a variety of locations, to give councillors multiple opportunities to attend.


·         Problem gambling was discussed at an earlier SSCB meeting and members felt that there was a strong desire to have a presentation on the Leeds report. Members expressed concern about the impact problem gambling has on public health and a discussion was had about how far reaching the implications were. Members felt that the gambling industry ought to be funding interventions required for problem gamblers but it was acknowledged that the issue cuts across different boards as well as being  under the remit of the SSCB. Ellie Greenwood, LGA Senior Adviser, agreed that this was a priority and that officers would look at future meeting agendas to see if representatives from Leeds Council would be able to attend to speak to members.


·         A question was raised about the assistance the LGA will give to FRAs where Police and Crime Commissioners were looking to take on responsibility for fire and rescue services, and where there were bids from Police and Crime Commissioners to take on fire governance. Mark Norris agreed to circulate a note to board members to update them on this issue.




Members noted the Board’s priorities for 2017/18.




1)    Officers to proceed with plans to schedule modern slavery workshops and publish draft guidance for councils.


2)    Officers to liaise with Leeds Council to see when they could give a presentation at a future SSCB meeting on problem gambling.


3)    Officers to circulate a note to members in relation to the LGA’s position on PCCs’ business case submissions relating to responsibility for fire and rescue services.

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