Agenda item

Grenfell Tower and fire safety in high rise buildings


Eamon Lally, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced the report which provided an update on the LGA’s work following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in June and actions taken by central and local government in response to the fire. He explained that DCLG and the LGA was working to ensure we understood the numbers of tower blocks that might have similar cladding to that on Grenfell Tower and that could be at risk, and the LGA is particularly working to ensure the resources are in place for local authorities to respond to the situation. He also explained that DCLG are now turning their attention to private sector blocks and how to ensure that they have sufficient fire safety, and the Department has confirmed Councils will have a role in this. Eamon emphasised that it is still unclear as to what would be happen should a landlord be uncooperative.


Eamon also outlined the ongoing work to identify Large Panel System built buildings that might require strengthening work. This follows concerns raised in respect of four tower blocks in Southwark , that were meant to have been strengthened following the Ronan Point Collapse in 1968, but were subsequently found to require additional strengthening.


Eamon explained the current key LGA priorities were:

·         Ensuring buildings are safe;

·         Clarity as to Government providing local authorities with resources for any required changes; and

·         An immediate review of building regulations and fire safety guidance.


In the discussion which followed, the following points were raised;

·         Eamon explained that the LGA’s Leadership Board takes on overall responsibility for the LGA’s Grenfell work.

·         Following a query from the Chairman, Eamon explained there had already been some cases of private sector resistance to required remedial work on high rise flats.

·         A view was expressed that local authorities should have a role in scrutiny of housing association properties, and their fire safety measures.

·         Following a concern raised as to what powers local authorities could have in enforcing that fire safety measures are taken on private sector properties Eamon explained that Government has provided guidance on legal powers but has also advised local authorities seek their own legal advice.

·         A concern was raised that the lack of clarity on regulation from Government was of real concern.

·         A view was expressed that it would be helpful for Board Members to receive a statement regarding what Council duties and powers were regarding the private sector issue.

·         A view was expressed that local authorities would need clarity as to their responsibilities on University accommodation.

·         The Chairman emphasised that local authorities would need further clarity on the powers Councils have when ensuring fire safety is in place in private properties.




Members of the Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board:


1.    Noted the LGA’s work to support local authorities arising from the Grenfell Tower Fire.


2.    Provided comments on the actions that have been taken nationally and locally to identify and address fire safety issues in buildings over 18 metres.


3.    Provided comments on the initial draft of the LGA’s submission to the call for evidence from Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of building regulations and fire safety.




1.    Officers to incorporate Members views into the draft submission to the call for evidence from Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of building regulations and fire safety.


2.    Officers to circulate a statement regarding what Council duties and powers were regarding the private sector issue.


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