Agenda item

Environment, Economic, Housing and Transport Board Priorities 2017-18


Eamon Lally, Principal Policy Adviser, introduced the report setting out a draft list of priorities for the Board together with a draft work programme for the period to July 2018.


In the discussion the followed, the following points were raised;

·         Nick Porter indicated that there are a number of announcements the LGA are anticipating which will need to be priorities for the Board, such as the Housing Green Paper.

·         The Chairman asked that an update on the Housing Green Paper come to the Board later in the year.

·         A view was expressed that further discussion on homelessness and rough sleeping was welcome on the Board’s priorities for the year.

·         In response to a query, Nick informed the Board that a paper on the private rented sector would come to the Board later in the year.




Members are asked to consider and agree a final version of the Board’s priorities and

work programme.




Officers to incorporate Members views and comments into the work programme.


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