Agenda item

Brexit (oral update)


The Chairman invited Ian Hughes, Head of Policy, to introduce the item.  Ian briefed Members on the following:


·         Messages to Government are landing regarding issues relating to EU Structural Funds and the potential impact on local government, but lobbying work will need to continue in order to ensure the UK Share Prosperity Fund is sufficiently reformed. 


·         In the forthcoming weeks, the Select Committee for Communities and Local Government, as well as the APPG on Devolution would be meeting to discuss Brexit and the LGA would be giving oral as well as written evidence to both.


·         Additional in-house research on what a ‘no-deal’ situation will look like is being conducted, and what this will mean for local government. 


·         A further update will be given at the next Board.




·         Members noted the update.




·         Officer to take forward work in line with Members’ steer.