Agenda item

Building regulations interim report and fire safety update


The Chair introduced this report and thanked officers for the work they had put into this. His thanks were echoed by the Vice Chairman and other members who wanted to note the team’s efforts over the previous six months.


Mark Norris, LGA Principal Policy Adviser, updated members on the progress which had taken place since the Board’s last discussion, noted some of the conclusions outlined in Dame Judith Hackitt’s interim review of building regulations and fire safety and summarised the report, which focused on Dame Judith’s findings and how to address them. Mark noted that nearly all of the points listed in the LGA’s submission to the review were picked up in the report findings and recommendations. Members were advised that Dame Judith Hackitt and the review team were seeking response from those who fed into the initial review and Mark noted that the LGA’s Grenfell Task and Finish Group was due to meet that week to discuss how to respond to the review.


Mark asked members for their comments and the following points were made:


·         Members wanted to see paragraphs 4.12, 4.17 and 4.18 strengthened to emphasise the need for better consultation with the fire service.


·         Members made several comments about the need for clarity on whose responsibility it is to enforce both building regulations and fire safety measures, and for there to be the resources to do this. They said that it was important that councils had a role in ensuring that building regulations are considered as part of the scrutiny process, and that better training on regulations had the potential to reduce the need for enforcement.


·         Members welcomed the recommendation that new high rise buildings should be fitted with sprinklers although some also felt that sprinklers should also be retrofitted where possible.


·         Concerns were raised in response to paragraph 4.5, that it may lead to different interpretations of regulations and standards in different parts of the country; there was a need for a bottom line to be built in.


Mark advised members that their comments would be fed back to the Grenfell Task and Finished Group, and then gave members a brief update on the building safety programme being led by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). MHCLG had collected data from local authorities about privately owned high rise buildings in their areas and found around 1,000 buildings where the cladding had not been identified. The Ministry had approached the LGA to ask for assistance in gathering this information and on working with authorities to identify building owners. The LGA has also been working with London Councils regarding the powers councils have to compel owners to take action where it is required.


Members thanked Mark for the report.




Members noted the report.




1)    Officers to relay members’ comments to the Grenfell Task & Finish Group to inform their formal response to Dame Judith Hackitt’s interim review report.


2)    Officers to consider whether or not to survey local authorities about tower blocks with external wall rendered insulation on it.


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