Agenda item

Update paper


Mark spoke to the Board briefly about the reshuffle which took place on 9 January, noting that there was no substantial impact on the work of the Board but that John Hayes MP had been moved from his position in the Department for Transport. Officers had been working with him on the reform of taxi licensing arrangements but would pursue this with new minister, once the new portfolios had been published.


Members made the following comments on the update paper:


·         Members wanted to highlight the paragraphs on modern slavery and encourage other Board members to download the LGA produced guide on modern slavery from the website. They were keen to promote the events being held throughout the UK and felt that this was an opportunity for the LGA to make a big impact. The Chair advised members that a press release was due to go out that day on the Independent Commissioner’s attendance at one of the events.


·         Members were keen to stress the importance of the launch of the SIGCE and noted that the launch event had been very positive.


·         Support was noted for paragraphs 7 and 8 of the report on public spaces protection orders and the need for a proportionate response where possible.


·         On the Crime and Policing Act, Cllr Anita Lower noted that she had attended a roundtable about antisocial behaviour in young people and was following up these issues. Cllr Lower had also attended a dinner to discuss FOBT stakes and noted that a joint letter would be going to the press from the betting industry and the parliamentary committee voicing support for the reduction to £2 stakes.




Members noted the update paper.

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