Agenda item

Corporate Peer Challenge: learning and evaluation


Paul Clarke, National Programme Manager, introduced the item. He discussed how the LGA could utilise the learning from peer challenges following comments made at the previous board meetings. He advised that officers had conducted analysis of the peer learning report and had set out examples of good practice.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         There was a discussion on feedback surveys and how the system supported councils after they had taken part in a peer challenge. Members also referred to other LGA programmes and how they fed into this, and what the LGA could do to connect different support programmes.


·         Members emphasised that the role of the opposition needed to be acknowledged.


·         There was a discussion around the publication of Corporate Peer Challenge documents and it was suggested that these should be available publically as they would be subject to Freedom of Information requests.


·         Members discussed councils who were attempting to develop commercial income and asked whether it was possible to assist those struggling to launch these ideas.


·         It was suggested that members and officers that participated in CPCs should be invited to feedback meetings.


·         There was a discussion about the impact of a CPC and how this was measured. It was highlighted that there could be more emphasis on lessons learnt and what councils had done well.


·         Members emphasised it would be particularly useful to know which councils were good at which areas (e.g. if someone had a particularly good planning department).



In response, officers made the following points:


·         LGA Principal Advisers took the relationship forward with councils who had participated in a Corporate Peer Challenge.


·         Corporate Peer Challenge reports were always published at the end of the process.


·         Feedback from the process was shared.


·         It was emphasised that the peer challenge improvement tool was not an inspectorate tool, and that the LGA did not control councils through this process.


·         Members could contact Principal Advisors or Member Peers in their areas about contacts within councils.






1.    The Improvement and Innovation Board noted the feedback/learning provided in the report.





1.    Officers to proceed with work in line with members’ comments.





















Supporting documents: