Agenda item

Productivity Programme


Cllr Ron Woodley, Deputy-Chair of the Board, briefly updated members on Productivity Programme, advising that good progress was being made toward 2017/2018 targets.


Susan Attard, Head of Productivity, advised that the Cyber Security Programme had recently been updated, and the Procurement and Commission Programme would be launched in the spring. She also advised that the team were working with councils on the impact of the collapse of Carillion, and were continuing to support councils with financial issues.


In the discussion which followed, members made the following points:


·         Members asked when councils would find out if they had been successful in their applications for cyber funding. They were advised this would be announced at the end of January.


·         Members queried what communications methods were in place to help publicise these offers. It was emphasised that the Innovation Zone at conference had worked well in getting LGA networks involved.


·         Carillion was discussed, and it was suggested that the LGA could produce a report/ guidance on how contracts were being distributed. Members were advised that a draft report was currently being worked on.




1.    The Improvement and Innovation Board noted the update and progress on the Productivity Programme.




1.    Officers to take forward work in line with members’ steer.




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