Agenda item

Great People for Growing Places - consultation on workforce priorities


The Chair invited Marj Keddy, Interim Head of Workforce, to introduce the item.  Marj started by giving an update to Members on the development of a refreshed workforce strategy, the current status of the project, it’s intended output and links made with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). 


The Chair thanked Marj for the update, and invited Members to comment:


·         Members requested to reference skills and skills shortages. 

·         Members placed importance on a consultation with the NHS regarding this work. 

·         Members discussed the need for thorough communication strategy, as well as bespoke branding outputs to maximise the project. 

·         Members discussed morale and pay of the frontline workforce, and how the latter is significantly lower than senior management, and if this could be explored further. 

·         Members discussed leadership values and the importance of good leadership in this project.

·         Members discussed the current stress and financial restraints on frontline services, and requested for further research regarding generating income to support the sector. 


The Chair thanked Members for their comments. 




·         Officers to further explore and research areas requested by Members. 

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