Agenda item

LGA Group Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year to 31 March 2018


Jonathan Gratte, Strategic Finance Manager, and Alastair Duke, Partner at PKF Littlejohn LLP, introduced the report which set out the consolidated financial statements for the LGA Group for the year ended 31 March 2018. The LGA group included the LGA, IDeA, LGA (Properties) Ltd, LGMB Ltd, and LGA Commercial Services Ltd. The financial statements were included for the Leadership Board to agree prior to consideration by the General Assembly on 3 July 2018.


Following the meeting of the Audit Committee on 4 June 2018 the LGA had received an unqualified audit opinion by PKF Littlejohn, the LGA’s external auditor. Alastair Duke highlighted particular risks, control measures and adjustments which had been identified as part of the audit, and reported that it had been an efficient audit process.


In the discussion which followed, Members raised the following points:


·         It was requested that a paper be considered at a future meeting of the Leadership Board on organisations which still had interests in the 18 Smith Square building, i.e. the Association of County Councils, the Association of District Councils, and the Association of Metropolitan Authorities.


·         One member asked if further information could be provided on the ability of PSAA, a subsidiary of the LGA, to undertake work for other parts of local government, e.g. London Councils, and how this could impact on LGA and PSAA work streams. Officers would look into the issue and respond outside of the meeting.



The LGA Leadership Board:

a)    Agreed the LGA consolidated financial statements and approved their submission for adoption at the General Assembly on 3 July 2018;

b)    Reviewed the financial statements for IDeA, LGMB, LGA(P) and LGA CS;

c)    Reviewed the external auditors’ report; and

d)    Approved the Representation letter.

Supporting documents: