Agenda item

Priorities and work programme



The Chairman introduced Mark Edgell, Principle Advisor, who set out the priorities and purpose of the work programme, and asked for members’ comments to shape the improvement programme for 2019/20.


In the discussion that followed, the following points were made:

-          Sector led improvement encompasses a wide range of offers – leadership programmes, peer challenges; efficiency and productivity support etc. Although not all councils had yet had a corporate peer challenges all councils took up one or other of the offers in 2017/18.

-          Sector led improvement, and the role of the Board, included having an overview of performance in the sector so that the LGA is able to offer support, on a proactive basis, to any councils experiencing performance challenges.

-          Particular reference was made to providing support to help councils pursue their local housing agenda, including tackling homelessness

-          The Board noted the annual Conference for Member Peers in Nottingham, scheduled for 8 November 2018.

-          The Chairman stated he would circulate an email to all members with regards to involvement in particular work streams and the innovation zone so that there is a cross-party approach.




The Improvement and Innovation Board:

-          Agreed the Board Priorities and Work Programme for 2018/19.

-          Officers to incorporate members’ comments to shape the improvement programme for 2019/20.


Supporting documents: