Agenda item

Fire Safety in High Rise Buildings


The Chair invited Mark Norris, Principal Policy Adviser, to introduce the item, the report of which updates members on the LGA’s building safety related work since the last meeting.  This included updating members on new guidance on partial cladding and discussions with MHCLG over the establishment of the Joint Inspection Team. While it has progressed significantly, this proposal is facing some challenges due to insurance related problems. 


The Chair opened the discussion out to members: 


Member raised concerns over the slow progress of all fire-safety work, and stated that residents are still living in high-rise buildings with combustible materials.  Members stressed that actions from the discussions on fire safety need to be actioned quickly.  Members did thank officers for their rapid response to this work and their constant pressure to speed the government up, however. 


Members questioned the statistic referred to in paragraph five of the report (the number of unknown buildings with ACM cladding on) and questioned where this was figure came from.  Mark stated this was an estimation from MHCLG. 


Discussions turned to fire doors and the Board requested an update on this work; members’ discussions also included the use of fire doors and how whilst useful when properly used, they are often left open (due to their heavy weight).  In response to this, Mark stated the LGA is working closely with MHCLG to seek clarity on which types of doors haven’t passed safety tests.  Mark confirmed that MHCLG had informed building owners that glass reinforced plastic composite fire doors had consistently failed fire safety tests. 


The Chair concluded that some progress still needs to be made, and agreed with members that the government was not moving at an appropriate speed, despite the hard work of officers.





Members noted the update. 

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