Agenda item

Productivity Update

Presentation with Cllr Jonathan McShane, Lead Member for Adult and Community Social Services and Health, LB of Hackney.


Cllr Peter Fleming invited Professor John Bolton and Councillor Jonathan McShane, Lead Member for Adult & Community Social Services & Health at the London Borough of Hackney, to present their observations and feedback from the three year Adult Social Care Efficiency Programme.


Members noted the report and presentations, in particular the following key points:

  • Councils that performed best during the programme had created performance management systems that allowed progress to be managed month by month;
  • There are both opportunities and threats in the areas of integration with health and the development of social enterprises;
  • An over paternalistic approach to adult social care can be damaging for service users;
  • Managing demand is the biggest challenge to promoting independence;
  • Hackney views its work to promote independence as a positive step and not a cost-cutting measure, having implemented its approach before the first round of local government cuts.
  • Hackney had identified key opportunities for  promoting independence work, e.g. launching a new training programme for staff;
  • Tools that sit alongside the programme are potentially transferable to other service areas.



  • To look at how the tools utilised in this programme can be developed/used in a wider context and whether there are any lessons that can be extracted from the programme for shire districts.


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