Agenda item

Industrial Strategy (Verbal Update)


Daniel Gardiner provided the Board with a verbal update on recent developments with

local industrial strategies (LIS), the Government’s review of local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).


In relation to LIS, Daniel outlined that the LGA has now commissioned a local support offer focused on LIS and have secured additional funding from BEIS which has allowed the LGA to appoint two providers – Metro Dynamics and Shared Intelligence – to deliver this offer.


Shared Intelligence will be focusing specifically on understanding and strengthening the role of councils in the development of a LIS and their offer will include the delivery of action learning sets for council officers seeking to instigate or further their authority’s engagement with their LIS.

Metro Dynamics will be focusing more broadly on the ‘key ingredients’ of Local Industrial Strategies and their offer will include the delivery of a series of masterclasses on areas including driving inclusive growth through a LIS and developing a LIS evidence base.

In relation to the LEP Review, Daniel informed the Board that there had been no public announcement on geography thus far though some areas have begun to progress plans for changes and we understand that outstanding geography issues are limited to only a couple of areas.


Daniel also pointed out that the National Local Growth Assurance Framework had been published and that the LGA would continue to explore options relating to strengthening the democratic accountability of LEPs.


In relation to the UKSPF, Daniel noted that the consultation had not been published in December 2018 as planned. Daniel noted that once clarity is provided on the timing of the consultation, officers will consider the most appropriate option for capturing the views of the Board.


Members queried whether any resources were currently available on embedding inclusive growth at the outset of LIS development. Aside from the LGA’s support offer, officers noted that the Joseph Rowntree Foundation were developing a report on the ways in which inclusive growth could be embedded into a LIS. Officers noted that this has not yet been published but committed to circulating to the Board once available.


Decision and Actions


·         Members noted the information in the verbal update.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation report will be circulated to members once published.