Agenda item

Presentation from The Children's Society on Co-ordinated Crisis Support


The Chair asked Rose to introduce the next item – a presentation by Dr. Sam Royston (Director of Policy and Research), Toby North (Senior Public Affairs Officer – local government) and George Dunstall (Programme Manager - Coordinated Crisis Support), from the Children’s Society on Co-ordinated crisis support.


Rose explained that the LGA has been part of the advisory panel engaged by The Children’s Society in the design of the crisis support programme  and have agreed with them that, where possible, the LGA will draw on the learning from their work and integrate it with our Reshaping Financial Support Action Learning Programme. The LGA will also offer support and advice, where appropriate, for their engagement with participating councils.

The presentation covered 4 main areas:

1.    What has happened to the Discretionary Social Fund

2.    Research on what has happened on the ground with local welfare provision

3.    Practical measures contained in the Coordinated Crisis Support Programme

4.    Recommendations for future policy and practice

Sam explained that with the abolition of the Discretionary Social Fund, there are now 3 main ways in which support is provided to individuals in need – Discretionary Housing Payments, Council tax reduction and local welfare assistance. He said that funding for assistance across England has dropped from £140 million in the last year of the Discretionary Social Fund (2012/13) to around £30 million in 2017/18. There has also been a 75 per cent reduction in the number of people receiving assistance over the same period.

However, Sam said that despite the extremely challenging financial context for Local Government, many local authorities are innovating in this area and using local welfare assistance to support their most vulnerable residents.

He added that in the absence of effective welfare assistance in some areas, other statutory and voluntary sector organisations are piecing together their own crisis support networks to try to fill the gaps. However, many families find the system of support exhausting, or struggle to access any help at all.

Sam explained that Coordinated Crisis Provision is being piloted across four Local Authority areas in England and Wales and seeks to bring together voluntary sector agencies delivering crisis support to individuals and families.

Sam concluded the presentation by outlining the Children’s Society’s policy recommendations, namely:

Broader action is undoubtedly required from central government to tackle the key underlying drivers that are pushing families into financial crisis.

A national system of no interest loans should be introduced to help improve the flexibility of household finances.

Local Welfare Assistance can and must play a key role in the provision of crisis support, but it can only do so if central government provides the resources, certainty and guidance to enable local authorities to deliver schemes that are fit for purpose.

Funding allocations for LWA should be ring-fenced and be accompanied by statutory guidance and basic reporting requirements to help councils implement best-practice and ensure a consistent minimum level of support wherever families live.

Members made the following points in response to the presentation:

·         This should be seen in the context of significant funding challenges for local government

·         There are separate issues for two tier areas. For example, housing departments in lower tier councils are often where crises manifest themselves.

·         There are often huge delays in resolving cases, particularly around timely payment of Universal Credit.

·         Budgeting loans are a mixed blessing as many people will not be able to afford repayments.

·         There are many things that councils can offer outside of specific welfare schemes which can be very effective.

Sam thanked members for their feedback and said that if any individual councils wanted to have a presentation to get in touch.

Rose said that she would bring an update on the LGA’s work on ‘reshaping financial support’ to a future Board meeting.

The Chair thanked Sam, Toby and George for their presentation.




Members noted the contents of the presentation. 




Presentation to be circulated by email to the Board.


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