Agenda item

LGA Business Plan 2019-22


The Chair asked Sarah Pickup to introduce the report.


Sarah explained that the LGA’s business planning was a 3-year rolling process and the Plan this year had been amended to take account of the climate emergency motion passed at the 2019 General Assembly. She said that the objectives in the Plan which informed the Resources Board’s work were broadly around reform of how local government was financed. She said the plan had been debated in depth at the Executive Advisory Board and approved by the LGA Board.

·       Members asked why the Resources Board had not been asked to consider a draft of the Plan before it was agreed? Sarah said that the contents of the Plan were drawn from ongoing work plans, including the one agreed by the Resources Board at the first meeting of the annual cycle in September 2019.

·       Members welcomed the emphasis on sustainability and also the mapping of Sustainable Development Goals.

·       Members suggested that reform of council tax should be a key feature of the Board’s next work plan.



Members noted the LGA Business Plan 2019-22


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