Agenda item



In relation to climate change, Cllr Liz Green (vice chair), raised the following points:

·       The Centre for Public Scrutiny were due to publish a document in June on ‘10 top-level questions to ask your council’

·       The Climate Change Leadership Essentials event would be taking place in October. The team was also running more webinars and Liz said that more case studies from councils were always welcome.

·       The carbon emissions tool would be complete by July.

·       84 responses to the council climate change survey had been received and this was being chased up again to try and get more.


Lusi Manukyan, Improvement Strategy Adviser, reported that an extensive programme of virtual events was being developed to take place around the week of the LGA Annual Conference. The Innovation Zone would be brought back as a separate event – over 70 applications had been received and these were currently being looked through. Other more condensed events were also being planned, including one on SLI looking at the results of the Shared Intelligence review.


Dennis Skinner added that it was planned to launch a major publication during the conference week on COVID-19, celebrating what councils had achieved and the wider implications for the future of local government. Dennis said that there would be at least one large set-piece event during conference week and then a range of smaller virtual events over a period of a few weeks. Webinars and video conferences had so far proved to be very popular with members.


Heather Wills, Principal Adviser, reported that she had been carrying out a peer challenge stock take alongside the SLI review. She said that the timescale for this had been put back due to work on Covid-19 but she would be pulling together this work into a report. She said that peer challenge was a much-valued part of the LGA’s SLI offer but that more could be done to capture the results and to involve member councils.