Agenda item



The Chairman invited Mark Norris, Principal Policy Adviser, to introduce the report.


Mark informed the Board that the report covered the LGA’s activity undertaken since the last Board meeting in response to COVID-19. The focus had predominantly been around supporting people in the shielded and clinically vulnerable groups during the period of lockdown, working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care, MHCLG and DEFRA. Alongside that there had been volunteering links between local authorities and NHS responders. The LGA had also been looking at those people who were self-isolating and had difficulty accessing food, were in financial hardship and suffering from mental health problems.


Ian James, Care and Health Improvement Adviser, highlighted a key part of the LGA’s role had been working with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) alongside national partners, particularly the Association of Directors of Adult Social

Services (ADASS), NHS bodies and the care provider associations, to ensure that

government policy is informed by what can best support councils and local partners to help keep residents and staff safe and supported. A new social care taskforce had been set up with all local government associations, headed by David Pierson, with further details to follow in the coming weeks.           


Paul Ogden, Senior Adviser, updated Members on the latest public health statistics which included:


·         Overall the trend in number of deaths is reducing, within care homes and hospitals. Although, 57 per cent of deaths have occurred in care settings.

·         Expected to see varied mix in local outbreaks, the disease is different from flu and seems to cluster in specific places.

·         Projection of a further 18 months to see a significant improvement in the overall situation, with the intention of pushing for vaccinations and testing.

·         We are now well beyond the peak and are starting to see the number of new cases fall.

·         The number of tests is increasing with over 200,000 tests per day. In total 288,000 have tested positive for COVID-19.

·         R value is below 1 but is there are a high level of incidents around the country.

·         To date 40,597 people have sadly lost their lives in hospitals, care homes and within the wider community, but is starting to slow with 55 deaths recorded yesterday.

·         BAME community are 4 times more likely to die from COVID-19.


Following the discussion, Members made the following comments:


·         A concern was raised that some young people were not listening to government advice around social distancing and were putting themselves and others at risk. Paul agreed that some young people were getting bored of lockdown which poses a risk. He emphasised that the virus must be contained before the winter months, as we are still far off developing a viable vaccine.

·         In response to queries around the Governments Test, Track and Trace system Paul confirmed that it needed accurate granular data to make it work and this wasn’t currently available to local authorities. He added that it was difficult to provide an accurate localised R rate as it can take 1 death to skew the figure. The LGA had been lobbying for additional powers with Test, Track and Trace so we can know where the outbreaks are and help contain them.

·         A concern was expressed about people having to care for family members with disabilities as with day centres being closed, many relatives were having to occupy family members who were in need of support and care.




Members of the Community Wellbeing Board noted the COVID -19 update.



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