Agenda item

Welfare Reform Update - Verbal Update


The Chair invited Rose Doran (Senior Adviser) to provide a verbal update on recent work and developments around Welfare Reform.


Rose made the following points:


-        Research has been conducted on the end of COVID linked support schemes by modelling the impact on individual households and the subsequent effect on local authorities. Noted that there will be a degree of delay until the full impact on low income households can be understood.

-        As such a key thread of the CSR submission will focus on reforming the methodology used to determine resource levels for funds such as DHP, Hardship Fund and Council Tax Support.

-        Figures have shown that authorities have spent around 70% of the Hardship Fund so far. Lobbying efforts have been made with MHCLG on the matter.

-        Work on food poverty has been submitted to Community Wellbeing Board and Children & Young People Board.

-        Webinars on Reshaping Financial Support continue to be held with local authorities.

In the subsequent discussion the members raised the following points:


-        Members noted that major increases in eligibility and applications for Council Tax Support have been seen. The challenge of collecting rent and tax arrears was highlighted with Rose added that debt management is being considered particularly in reference to council tax and low income households.

-        Concerns were noted with the end of the stay on evictions and evidence of an increase in illegal evictions.



The members of the Resources Board noted the update.



Officers to continue with delivery of Welfare Reform work in line with members comments.