Agenda item

Board member champions role description (including Equalities Advocate)


The Chair invited Mark Norris (Principal Adviser) to introduce the item and each aspect of the paper.


Mark noted that the Board appoints several Champions who work to support a specific area of policy. All Boards are being asked to appoint an Equalities Advocate. The scope of the role and how each Advocate is appointed still under development, with discussions taking place, but it is proposed for the SSCB that Champions monitor equalities issues in their area and work is collated by the Chair as the lead advocate for equalities. Additional work is ongoing between Political Groups on this issue and will be referenced back to Lead Members.


In the subsequent discussion members raised the following points;

-        A number of members expressed interest in specific areas and champion roles.

-        Members considered whether a joint champion role for Grenfell & Building Regulations would link well into other work around the LGA. 

-        Members proposed a potential role overseeing Governance of Police & Crime Commissioners. Mark explained that the timings of the Review and submission timetable, with consultation needed across SSCB and Fire Safety Management Board. Noted that the Board will need to review the response from the Home Office in due course.

-        The creation of a role covering Security and Emergency Planning that could link into the work of the Prevent Champion was put forward. Mark suggested that a role focused on Emergency Planning could be considered at a late date. Security elements would be covered by the Prevent role.

-        Questions were raised on the division of Modern Slavery and Serious Violence & County Lines in to separate champion roles. Mark noted that there is some nuance in their definition based on the work plan but acknowledged the two roles will be heavily interlinked so will require cross working.

-        Members noted the need to replace Cllr Anita Lower as the Board representative on the FGM Advisory Group. The Chair noted that this is being discussed by Lead Members.

-        There was a discussion of the decision to discontinue the Bereavement Services Champion, especially with the anticipated spike in COVID cases. Mark gave an overview of the decision and the changes to the Competition & Markets Authority work plan which has limited the scope of the role, however it was helpful to have indications of which Board members had an interest in this area.

The Chair asked Officers to work to confirm the list of Champions.




The members of the Safer & Stronger Communities Board:

a.              Agreed the Terms of Reference;

b.              Noted the membership for 2020/21;

c.              Agreed the Board’s nominations to outside bodies;

d.              Noted the dates of the future meetings;

e.     Agreed the proposed approach to member champions and that Lead Members finalise the roles for 2020/21 and

f.      Agreed that appointment of the Equalities Advocate for the Board be finalised once the role of the Group Offices in the appointment process had been confirmed.




Officers to take any action as required.



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