Agenda item

Safer and Stronger Communities Board priorities and work plan for 2020-21


The Chair noted that the proposals presented were built on the corporate LGA priorities and options for broader work based on a continuation of ongoing work (including responding to recent policy announcements by Government) and areas of interest previously indicated by Board members.


Mark Norris introduced the paper, noting that brief work programmes have been presented with each area of priority, and that additional work may be needed around COVID-19.


In the subsequent discussion the Chair asked for comments in relation to each section of the priorities paper;


Community Safety Issues:

-        Regarding Modern Slavery, members suggested that reference should be made to procurement and supply chains in the programme to go to local authorities.

-        Members argued that recent events have shown the importance of the relationships between communities and the Police, and that specific work should be focused on this topic.

-        The publication of the Maritime & Coastguard Review was highlighted; it was suggested that follow up work on suicide prevention may be helpful.

-        Members noted the need for certainty around the role of and funding for COVID Marshals.


Regulatory Services:

-        Members noted that following the LGA’s call for local authorities to receive powers to sanction premises breaching social distancing this may be an area of focus.


Bereavement services

-        Cllr Pennington volunteered to maintain an overview on items around Bereavement Services.


Civil Resilience/Blue Light Services:

-        Members recommended that in light of the ongoing COVID crisis, civil and community resilience should be given greater emphasis within the priorities paper as whole.




The members of the Safer & Stronger Communities Board noted the Board’s priorities and work programme for 2020/21.




Officers to update the work plan based on feedback.


Supporting documents: