Agenda item

Building Safety Update


The Chair invited Charles Loft (Senior Adviser) to discuss the report, which updates members on the LGA’s building safety related work since the last meeting.


Charles raised the following points;

-        The Building Safety Bill has been published and is going through pre-legislative scrutiny. Lord Porter will present evidence on behalf of the LGA.

-        The Fire Safety Bill (FSB) has passed the Third Reading in the House of Commons. A dedicated Task & Finish Group is addressing the implications for duty holders of the perceived shortage of insured fire risk assessors who are competent to consider external wall systems.

-        A consultation has been launched on secondary legislation under the FSB and Building Safety Bill, including implementation of the Phase One findings of Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

-        The LGA has continued to facilitate conversations and support MHCLG, local authorities and developers on the issue of remediating cladding. Progress continues to be slow and compounded by Covid-19 and the absence of comprehensive government funding.

-        The Public Accounts Committee has reported on the difficulties being faced by leaseholders in selling homes, increasing insurance costs and securing mortgages on clad properties.




In the subsequent discussion the members raised the following points;


-        Members raised concerns with the cost of EWS1 Forms for external wall fire safety. Residents are being faced with substantial bills even where cladding is not an issue.

-        Members suggested that the £1bn proposed by the Government for remediation work is not sufficient support for leaseholders. Clarification was sought on whether additional funding would overcome the shortage of assessors. Charles explained that while additional funding will be a key part of the answer, the Government is attempting to encourage developers to cover part of the cost. Professional Indemnity Insurance is proving to be a major obstacle, with insurers unwilling to sign-off cladding systems. Charles suggested that in the current climate a Government led scheme might be the most effective solution.




The members of the Safer & Stronger Communities Board noted the report.




Officers to incorporate members’ views in the LGA’s ongoing building safety related work.


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