Agenda item

Covid-19 Update


The Chair invited Ellie Greenwood (Senior Adviser) to introduce the item which updates on Covid-19 related activity since the previous meeting.


In the subsequent discussion members raised the following points;


-        Members sought assurances that data collected in hospitality venues for tracing purposes is being deleted in line with the 21-day retention period stated. Ellie explained that this would be governed in line with the regulations and data protection principles (with the Information Commissioner’s Office providing guidance), but added that she was aware Environmental Health Officers have also been monitoring data gathering practices. The Chair suggested that dedicated communications be issued by the LGA to member authorities on this matter.

-        It was suggested that given the swift changes to regulatory practices due to COVID, some consideration should be given to changes that might be desirable to retain after the emergency response.

-        Questions arose on the role of SSCB and the LGA in chasing the monies promised to local authorities under the Local Government Income Compensation Scheme. Ellie noted that this would fall under the remit of the Resources Board and the LGA Local Government Finance team, but that it the financial impact of COVID is a key issue for the LGA




The Members of the Safer & Stronger Communities Board noted the report and the implications for the Board’s 2020-21 work plan.




Officers to take forward as directed.


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